Children of Peace Uganda -

Children of Peace Uganda, is a place of restoration and hope. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to serve this organization in Lira, Uganda in Summer 2012 and Winter 2013 Below is more about the organization. 

These former children of war, new voices of peace, these faces that surround me, arms wrapped around me like old friends, are all children who were born in captivity or who lived in captivity as children of war. But really they are my friends, my family, the next generation of peace leaders, and some of the most joyful humans I have ever met. They are redeeming love and I have been so changed by them and working with Children of Peace Uganda.

Children of Peace Uganda - Lira, Uganda

A journey has begun.  A journey of healing and hope for a forgotten generation.
Let us become cornerstones. 

The place is north Uganda, a land devastated by 23 years of armed conflict, mass child abduction
and forced military conscription, children born in captivity, and children orphaned by war.
Our journey marks the renewal of life. A rebirth of dignity, self-reliance, empowerment, and security.
 It is a journey of peace-builders, of transforming children of war into children of peace.
 To raise peace ambassadors who speak the truth, advocate for reconciliation and peaceful
 resolution to conflicts, and lead the world in ending the use of children in armed conflict.
This journey of post-conflict recovery and renewal begins with me and you.
Let us become cornerstones. Let us work together to transform, and be transformed.

Vision: “Our vision is to have a society with dignity, equal opportunities, fair treatment and protection of rights 
of children affected by the LRA war and other vulnerable children for sustainable development.

Mission: “To promote peace, human security and sustainable development for former child soldiers, child mothers and
children born in Captivity in northern Uganda”

Goal: “To rebuild capacity of former child soldiers, child mothers and children born in Captivity through

psychosocial support, education, livelihood support and advocacy thus improve their quality of life
 and promote self-reliance.” 

This Pearl of Africa, or otherwise known as the country of Uganda, has gone through suffering
but is producing and radiating beauty from the brokenness that comes from war, and the hope
lies in the children.

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