Friends, if you feel like giving, or know someone who believes in the redemptive story of children of war, becoming peace ambassadors - please share this. Giving is the gain.

We are excited for the expansion of CPU and growing this movement and know that it is not the money that will do it, but supporters and the builders of this work.

Every dollar you donate will help support and fund Children of Peace Uganda and their amazing work in restoring the lives of the children in war-torn northern Uganda.

The pens we hold have the ability to write and create new stories of hope. Give a child a piece of blank paper and they draw pictures of suns, flowers, and things that grow. Help invest in their hearts with me and watch as these artists learn how to use their own storytelling to heal from their broken past of war.

Donations are completely secure! and I will let you know how they will be used whether towards art supplies, sponsorships, or other programs in the community of Northern Uganda.

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