MEIKA - the Port-au-Prince, Princess
She is a princess. She is worth celebrating – for her beauty and for her strength. From hospital visits monthly to wearing princess crowns, this little one in my arms has shown the strength that comes when you have faith to endure. She has been my teacher. Her name is Meika.
// Right now I’m currently battling my own health issues, possibly something I picked up while I was in Haiti. My entire left side from head to foot is numb and tingling internally for over four months now. It feels like a painful electricity running through my veins. My face will just all of a sudden hurt and start buzzing with that 'pins and needles' feeling. It makes me feel not Human. I am exhausted every day. It is hard to find strength. And so far doctors can’t figure out what caused this or how to treat the symptoms. On top of that I'm a magnet for illnesses and infections right now - contracting Mono, Bronchitis, Tonsillitis and a infection in my throat all in a few days time. My body may be weak, is weak but the heart is stronger. I learned that lesson from this little girl in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
This season has definitely been a challenge, but challenges will come and there are mountains we will have to climb – but if we have the strength, if we have the faith, I have found we aren’t climbing them alone. When we are weak, our friends come to our side and they give us courage, a helping hand, and love that makes the climb seem less strenuous and burdensome. And my friend Jesus, that I recognize in Meika's little frame from Haiti – is the greatest comfort of all.
<<<<<< Rewind to Nov 1st, "Day of the Dead" in Haiti.
She almost stopped breathing. She turned an ashy grey. Kyle, Kristie and I gathered around Meika's curled up body and started to pray boldly. Her breathing speed increased and grew shorter. I was scared…no I was terrified. Absolutely terrified, but we all felt this urgency to just put our hands and hearts on Meika, and pray hard. I remember how I wanted to desperately give her my breath in her little swollen lungs, but all I could do in that moment was pray. Together, Kristie, Kyle and I kept praying, and even though Meika was scared, she still squeezed our hands tight and let us know that she trusted us to look after her. And she still shut her eyes tight and prayed with us. Together we were climbing that mountain. Together, the four of us were breathing, one breath in syncopation with the next. While only lasting less than an hour, it felt like days sitting with her and pleading our eyes out with tears for healing. In that space that felt almost disconnected from earth, as we were visibly seeing pain fight for the life of this little girl – I saw how precious life is and how much God loves us and intercedes in the darkest of times. Our voices were given breath to prayer of life. And even in this taxing moment of despair — He is there, He is here providing comfort that surpasses all understanding. His love poured over us with a hurricane that kept us breathing and bringing prayer to life.
Later that night we took Meika to the hospital, Project Medishare a few districts away. Kyle stayed with her and Kristie and I sat outside sharing a bench with other Haitians that were in pain. We stared ahead at the hospital, taking in the long dark night and sitting beside one another knowing we were still standing in a pool of God's impenetrable light.
"Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." - G. K. Chesterton
That night was long, arduous and full of danger, but a dragon was beaten and a fairytale came true. LOVE is greater than pain.
Meika's little four year old body has gone through many painful respiratory surgeries at Project Medishare Hospital, and yet every time she returns back to Greater Works Home with an even bigger smile than she left with. There is joy, amidst suffering. This girl is the epitome of strength. She is teaching me at age 25, that I can have a faith of a 4 year old - one that endures through respiratory surgeries almost once a month. She is teaching me how to have the faith to know that this unknown illness in my body does not define me. Many have asked me, how are you so joyful, positive and faithful during this current pain and suffering - the only answer is God's mercy. He is my strength and my shield, to Him alone may my spirit yield.
"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one." - Psalm 28:7-8
I will admit, faith hasn't been easy to hold on to during this trial. I have been challenged and beaten down many times, but it is a choice to wake up every day and choose faith before the world. Meika chooses to have faith in a God that rescues her, and by her amazing joyful model I will follow.
The time I spent at Greater Works in Haiti has taught me so much. Truly, these girls who have triumphed through many mountains of trials, and even an earthquake too, shaking the very ground they stand on - yet their faith is unwavering.
They are building a storehouse of strength that will outreach and strengthen many stories and people to persevere. I am encouraged.
There are GREATER WORKS to be done for vulnerable children, for protecting the fatherless and valuing identity. These girls are not poverty orphans, or abandoned children they are precious daughters living in a Kingdom. Each is a Teacher. Each is a Princess. The LOVE these girls have taught me will remain in my heart eternally. This life Im living in is kind of like a fairytale but is based in reality, and 17 little princesses in this story changed my world and reminded me of that child heart beating inside my chest.
They awakened my imagination.
Together we are princesses, we are daughters of a King, and we are wearing our crowns proudly, knowing our worth — living in a Kingdom of endless possibilities, through sickness and in health.
** If you are interested in giving a scholarship (sponsoring) any of these girls in school in Haiti please visit - www.eaglescholarships.wordpress.com for more information on how to do that or contact us at eaglescholarships@gmail.com