Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lira, Uganda_ poem

The joy of children afflicted by war in Uganda. Praising with palm branches.

July 4 - 4:30 am - The Restorative Rain in Uganda

The rain in Uganda sounds like its never going to end, the drops are drenching the verdant land. Giant strokes of lightening illuminate the sky, my eyes get an X-ray vision even when closed the flash is so bright. Thunder rolls across the towns like a lion roaring to restore its kingdom. This rain continues to pour and pour and pour some more. There is so much pain here. Written on peoples faces even though they try to share joy first when greeting you. 

People are hungry not even just starving for food but starving for Hope and for HEALING. Starving to know that Love will rescue them from their impoverished lives. The rain continues to pour. Young single Women with their young children are forced to stand instead of sleeping in the night because they're floors are flooding. Young children hurting from aids HIV and malaria will have trouble breathing.

The rain continues to pour down. I pray it washes away the deep embedded pain in this town. I pray that the water falls and cleanses the darkness And dirt on the hearts and minds of these courageous people. I pray that the Lord will use this rain, to drain any painful memory of their dark pasts. When the LRA sought to destroy and kill, Gods plan was one of redemption and will. He gave these people, his people a story to tell about overcoming darkness and loving your enemies well. The children are standing in the rain, God sending down his manifest shekinah glory erasing their pain. Providing comfort and peace and letting all their suffering decrease. So that these children will stand under the mighty hand of God, these children will stand as peacemakers. These soldiers will put down their guns and instead start chasing the rising son. This rain will empower the voices to grow, with the loud drops falling these children will begin to shout. Their scars will start to fade and doubt will no longer invade, their hearts from seeing from hearing truth. The closer to God these children Will find rest. Drawing closer to God these soldiers will walk in peace. The rain will pour but their cries of suffering will finally cease. And every tear will be wiped from their eyes, these brave children walking with Jesus by their side.

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